
The Kilimatinde Trust works in partnership with the Diocese of the Rift Valley to support their work in the wider community and be faith-ful to the Christian message that God created and loves the whole world.


Develop a social enterprise project to build solar products for rural households



A solar production unit

The Rift Valley Diocese is co-terminus with the semi-arid region of Singida the poorest
area in Tanzania. It constantly struggles with famine, water shortages and deforestation
and its infrastructure remains poor.

The Trust has worked with local communities to engage with dam building, bore holes, reforestation schemes, bee projects etc.

In 2017/18 The Kilimatinde Trust in cooperation with the Diocese of the Rift Valley, GENNEX a Christian company at the cutting edge of engagement with solar products for developing countries and Tear Fund are planning to establish a solar assembly scheme to reduce the use of kerosene lamps and charcoal across the rural communities.

This will improve the quality of life for all those who live in these off-grid rural villages.
The project will fund a start up business based in the DRV’s premises in Manyoni and
provide education and skills training for up to 10 young people.



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